Services & support we provide

Association Of Benevolent Collectors is a unique non-profit corporation in several respects. First, we strive to achieve maximum tax-free benefit for the military veterans and their families from the donations of generous American Patriots and their estates during estate sales and settlements which BCA appraises and facilitates their auction or sale, or other disposition and safeguarding pursuant to the wishes of their benefactors. Second, BCA mediates and communicates with third party providers of veterans’ benefits and services, so that veterans who are not internet-savvy and have neither the means nor the wherewithal to arrange for their own benefits and welfare, find a trustworthy mediator and facilitator in BCA. Third, BCA has members who are licensed attorneys and may, in some circumstances, offer legal services to veterans and their families at a special discount or pro bono rates. Fourth, BCA intends to conduct transactions in real estate for the benefit of the U.S. veterans, offering temporary support and living arrangements, as well as purchasing land for further development of veterans’ facilities.